Sperm & the immune system

Published 01/02/2022

Reading time approx: 6 minutes

“Maybe you should swallow my sperm, after all, you’ve been complaining of a sore throat.” Some women have certainly heard this during the course of their sex life, or have even had it said directly to them.

And since sooner or later almost every woman gets to the point where she asks herself the question “spit or swallow”, we should clarify as soon as possible whether there is something in the statement about the sore throat, and indeed whether sperm really has a positive effect on diseases, depression and our general health.

Properties such as taste, health and the effect it has on the body, all play a major role in this.  

After all, any ejaculation should not harm you, or even cause diseases. But is that really just the case here? Or does sperm actually help us to build and strengthen our immune system

In fact, sore throats, colds and illnesses are almost never triggered by sperm, or even promoted by it. So what are the real myths? And what else can you learn about safely swallowing sperm? Well, we are going to tell you all about it in this article.

Does sperm help with a sore throat?

It is said that the ejaculate is protective of the mucous membranes that get attacked in the throat during the case of illness or complaints of sore a throat. Practically ‘a kind of protective armor’ if you like. However, this assumption has never been confirmed exactly by a formal study. 

However, the ingredients contained in sperm have been shown to help against inflammation and to fight bacteria. 

Zinc, iron, proteins and vitamins are never bad for the body. So sure sperm can’t harm you. And even though sperm may not cure long term illness or disease, it surely can’t put you in danger either.

Beautiful skin thanks to sperm

Sperm actually does have an effect on the skin. But why is that? Let’s start at the beginning. Whilst you are engaged in oral sex, the pores of the woman open and are supplied with plenty of blood. 

And that’s exactly what’s important. By opening the pores, the skin is ready to absorb nutrients from the outside. The nutrients and vitamins obtained in sperm are perfect for preventing, or even reducing, wrinkles. 

These include ingredients such as proteins, vitamins (such as vitamins C and B12) and trace elements such as iron and zinc. From this point of view, the woman is not only doing something good for her partner, but also for herself. ‘Two for the price of one’ as they say. In addition, her partner will love it when they get the chance to come on her body.

No placebo effect

A placebo effect cannot be achieved, as these are only external influences that basically do not have a major effect on the brain, or the body in general. 

Even if many assume that a change is due to the placebo effect, there is, in fact, even a face mask with sperm content. This face mask actually consists of semen from animals! 

The taste, as well as the smell are completely neutral. Although the spermicide content is low, it is sufficient to achieve a desired result. The effect becomes visible after several weeks. 

If you want to save money and still have fun, you should simply get to work together with your partner and use a concentrated load of sperm for yourself.

The right nutrition for better sperm

A sperm smoothie can help women and men in terms of health promotion. However, the full effect only unfolds if you eat a healthy diet. The ingredients of the sperm are composed of what you eat every day. 

Drinking enough water is very important for the face, and the skin. Just like for sperm production. 

If you want to use sperm to achieve desired health results, you should avoid alcohol and nicotine as much as possible. Excessive meat consumption also prevents the sperm from becoming healthy. Fruits and vegetables, and protein should now be the basic building block of your diet.

Sperm, as a protection against infections

Sounds crazy, doesn’t it. However, the social influencer Tracy Kiss swears by it. The vegan has developed her own recipe, which according to her own statements should protect her from coronavirus.

She drinks her smoothies three times a week, which consist of a shot of sperm. Well, you might just say that it’s a ‘sperm cocktail’. 

She doesn’t have study results that prove these effects, but she also can’t complain about negative side effects. 

She herself is so strongly convinced that the immune system is strengthened by it, and thus infections can also be prevented. In addition, she believes that her miracle drink protects against Alzheimer’s and greatly reduces the risk of a heart attack. If you want, you can just try it out for yourself.

Conclusion: how healthy is sperm?

Swallowing sperm has absolutely no disadvantages. It is also fun, especially if the sex was good and the sperm does not taste bitter. 

So give up unnecessary medicine, alcohol and tobacco. However, there is one thing you should know. Oral sex and swallowing sperm do not protect you from diseases. 

Although the egg cannot be fertilized by pure swallowing, you should always make sure to protect yourself sufficiently. In general, we wouldn’t ask too much of the sperm, and in any case, it can’t do any harm. So it can only get better!

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