Sex tips for men

Published 08/03/2022

Reading time approx: 8 minutes

Do you want to improve your sex life? These simple ideas and techniques can help you and your sex partner enjoy better sex.

Let’s face it, no matter how capable you think you are, every now and then you could use a little boost to improve your sex life and satisfy your partner. Try these simple sex tips with your partner tonight.

1. Talk about sex

When time passes in a relationship, it’s easy to fall into a rut and just make the movements instead of expressing what you really want (and need) in bed.

It’s time to break this cycle with an open conversation. Ask each other: What do I need from you in bed? Return to the communication you used to have.

2. Eat healthily

This doesn’t sound like a sex tip, but treating your body with good nutrition will help the whole body, including your libido.

Eat healthy foods to lower cholesterol and keep your cardiovascular system humming. This ensures that the cycle in the southern hemisphere is running at full speed.

3. Do your chores

Do you want to get your partner in the mood for better sex? Help in the house. The best foreplay takes place outside the bedroom. By helping with chores and errands, you make her feel valued.

4. Train

There are a few things that can make you ready to satisfy women, such as exercising regularly during the day. Just 15 minutes of exercise a day improve self-esteem, self-image and libido.

Exercise makes the physical aspects of sex more enjoyable. In addition, it promotes cardiovascular health, which is necessary for normal erectile function.

Too much training can have the opposite effect. A state of over-training leads to general feelings of fatigue and low energy and can disrupt sleep patterns and mood change. This is hardly a good combination to woo a romantic partner.

5. Training together

If exercise is good, then exercising with your lover is an even better sex tip. Exercising together ensures that both libidos and endorphins are high.

Since you are both already sweating, you can take it to the next level. Stretching together is also a good idea.

Despite what you may have heard, there is no substance that generates sexual desire where none exists. Even Viagra can’t do that. But there are a few foods that will boost your engines again when they’re already started.

6. Abstain a little

Abstinence as a sex tip?  Believe it or not, it’s a surefire way to improve sex and make your next encounter with your lover even more exciting.

Practice abstinence for a few days, a weekend, or a week. Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder, and makes you want to eat the forbidden fruit even more.

7. Plan sex

It may not sound so romantic, but it’s a great way to improve your sex life and satisfy women. We suggest creating a plan for sex:

Taking time or arranging opportunities for sex is very important, especially for busy couples or those with children. Don’t let the frequency of sex decrease due to fatigue or the inability to find the ‘right time’.

8. Use sexting

Do you want to get them in the mood for sex later on the night while you’re stuck in the office? Use your phone or email. Send her sexy messages throughout the day.  We have already written an article all about sexting, so why not check it out.

9. Compliment her body

Do you want a foolproof way to make them wild and make for better sex? Find a certain characteristic and tell her that she is the best/most beautiful/awesome.

10. Focus on relaxation

Men like to get horny for better sex, but women are more likely to get in the mood through relaxation.

Wash her hair in the shower or massage her scalp to help relax her. A woman must be relaxed before she is ready to receive.

11. Foreplay

Regardless of how you get yourself going for better sex, we don’t recommend you skimp on foreplay – no matter how long you’ve been together as a couple.

Foreplay contributes significantly to stronger orgasms and better sex. Activating your autonomic nervous system will increase the sensitivity, arousal and strength of orgasm. Your patience and mindfulness will pay off in the end.

12. Think like a woman

We advise you to think like a woman. To think like a woman in bed, you don’t necessarily have to be one. Give your attention to some of her most neglected areas, such as her neck, feet, or inner thighs. 

Tease them mercilessly. Make her want it. You will be surprised how much anticipation this causes her!

13. Let her take the lead

Men so often take the lead in bed. Sometimes the key to better sex is to let the woman take the lead.

Don’t be afraid to let your partner lead. Allow your partner to occasionally initiate sexual pleasure and also take the upper sex position.

14. Use a lubricant

There is no shame in using lubricants to satisfy women. A lot of guys think if women don’t get wet, then they’re not into it. That’s not true. 

Sometimes, whether due to stress, certain times of the month, or fatigue, women can have a hard time getting physically aroused, even when they are mentally involved. For such occasions, it’s always handy to have lubricants in the bedside drawer.

15. More variety

When you experience a case of “always the same”, then working on a little variety is key to better sex.

Spice things up by planning and discussing variations on your usual sexual habits. Lingerie, toys, new sex positions, and other creative additions can improve intimacy and orgasm.

16. Change location

Another way to add variety and improve sex life is to try a new place.

Do it in different places to experience a different energy. Do it outdoors if you’re overwhelmed by technology and want to regain your natural rhythm.

17. Make love instead of sex

Does it feel like it’s all about sex lately? Try to make love. You only make love with that special person, but you can have sex with anyone.

18. Use touch even without sex

Even if you don’t have sex, you can improve your sex life by using touch in an intimate but non-sexual way. Touch is important, but not always synonymous with sex.

It’s important to be intimate with your partner by touching her daily with love and affection. Kiss her daily and don’t be afraid to allow her to reciprocate.

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