CAM4 Talks to Author and Porn Star, Logan Pierce!

Who is Logan Pierce? He’s an author, a stunner, and a hot, straight adult performer! A self-described “meat puppet”, CAM4 chatted with Logan about what it’s like to go from from being a porn star, a writer, and a little bit of both! He also gave us the juicy deets about his new book, “Between the Sheets”, and how he got his start in the adult industry. Check out his interview below!
Tell me a bit about yourself and what made you decide to write the book “Between The Sheets”
My name is Logan Pierce and I am a professional meat puppet, that is, I am a male performer in the adult film industry. I’ve been working full-time for over six years now. Beyond my affinity for fucking on film, I am also a writer—have been for as long as I can remember, writing short stories and screenplays all throughout high school and college. It wasn’t until I got into porn where I began toying around with the idea of writing a novel, but after journaling my day to day experiences for a couple years, I realized I had a wealth of material on a subject very few people actually know ANYTHING about, and I took it upon myself to transcribe and synthesize my scrawling into part one of an intended three-part series, entitled, “Between the Sheets.”
How has the porn industry changed since you started?
It’s hard for me to comment on the state of the business before I joined because I knew next to nothing about the inner-workings of the industry before my arrival, but one thing is for sure, there are more women producers/directors than ever before and that is a change I am sincerely proud of.
Since you got your start from messaging other male porn stars on twitter, does that make you more eager to help someone else out who wants to get into the biz?
While I did message other male performers before getting into the business myself, those messages went nowhere and got me absolutely nothing. I had to do my own research, come to my own conclusions, and write my way into the business by emailing the proper channels and maintaining correspondences for months before I eventually took the plunge. I’m all for lending an ear to someone who wishes to join the industry and I’ll try to offer advice, but I cannot and will not GET someone into porn. If they want it bad enough, they’ll find a way.
Did you ever admit to your dad how you lost your virginity? If so, what was his reaction?
Well, my dad did read the book, so in a way he could take that as an admission, but we never had a discussion about that day and the happenings down in the basement under the covers and between the sheets.
Has anyone from the book read it and called you about any of the stories you wrote about?
I’ve had plenty of people read the book and draw comparisons to real life occurrences, but keep in mind the book is not a one-to-one with reality, I took a lot of artistic liberty to protect identities and condense time and space to tell the story I wanted to tell. Having said that, I reached out to everyone whose likeness I used and asked their permission before writing about them.
Do you still talk to your two roommates that you met in LA? What are they up to?
The real life guys those two characters are based on are actually some of my best friends and some of the greatest guys I have ever met.
Will there be a sequel to the book?
There is a continuation in the works, yes. No news on a release date, but it will essentially pick up almost immediately where the last one ends, which is after Logan’s first full year in the business. From here on out, he can only go deeper, his relationships more complex, and his reality further intertwined with his porno persona.
Have you thought about turning your story into a feature porn film?
That doesn’t particularly interest me.
Has sex in your personal life been fun since you started porn?
Sex will forever be fun.
How do you find ways to make having sex off camera exciting?
By engaging emotionally with the love of my life.
Where is the most public place you’ve ever masturbated and what was that like?
I don’t masturbate in public. Probably never have in my life, to be honest. I masturbate in stranger’s houses a lot. I do that 3-5 times a week. It’s become the norm in my life.
Have you tried anal play? If so, how was it? If not, is that something you would try?
I’ve tried it before. Can’t say I’m a big fan of it, but I certainly enjoy a good rim-job.
Have you ever been approached to do gay for pay porn? If so, why did you turn it down. If not, is that something you would try?
For starters, I’m not attracted to men. Even less interested in having sex with them, so the idea of doing it on camera is ‘gonna be a no for me, dog.’
CAM4’s new motto is “CAMS WITH NO LIMITS”. If you could do anything during a live cam show, what would it be and why?
I honestly have no idea.
If you could use any fruit as a masturbation toy, what would it be and why?
I saw a video of a grapefruit being used in conjunction with a blowjob (for what purpose, I have no idea) but I guess if I had to choose one (and admittedly I’d probably avoid using fruit altogether) I guess I’d choose to stick my dick in a grapefruit.
Have you ever tasted your own cum? If so, what was that?
Gotta read the book to find out that one!
What would you tell someone who asks you for advice on getting into the industry?
Know your rights and do your homework.
Want to know more about Logan? Follow him on twitter: @WhoisLogan and check out his new book, “Between the Sheets” on his official website!
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