Internet Connection 101

You already know that a high-speed internet connection is a must have, but there are some other factors to consider when choosing the connection that is right for you. Here’s what you need to know when setting up an Internet connection for successful CAM4 shows!
Downstream bandwidth – This is the amount of Internet bandwidth coming to your computer. You should have at least 384kbps downstream bandwidth to ensure good quality cam shows.
Upstream Bandwidth – The amount of bandwidth you have going from your computer to the Internet. You should have a minimum of 192kbps upstream bandwidth; for the best quality video. If you’re doing a show in a public place, sharing internet with others will degrade the speed and quality of your video. You can easily solve this problem with an airport card (a card from your service provider that gives you personal internet wherever you are).
Latency – The amount of time it takes for the traffic you send to reach its destination. If you notice it’s taking a long time for your friend to respond, this is probably being caused by high latency. Your latency should be below 250ms. Latency problems are often caused by network congestion; if you’re experiencing these problems, try clearing your history, your cookies, and refreshing your screen.
Testing Your Webcam
It’s a good idea to test your bandwidth prior to broadcasting.
If you’re sharing your Internet with others, it may be a good idea to get your own connection to ensure a better connection for your CAM4 shows. You should also avoid taxing your computer with other CPU intensive activities like anti-virus software aren’t running during your broadcasts.
Webcam fps can make a big difference in the image quality. The webcam fps test site provides lots of useful information on what impacts fps, how to test your webcam fps, and things you can do to improve it.
And that’s everything you’ll need to know when setting up your Internet connection. Of course, that’s just the tip of it – there’s still webcams, props, and many more tips to cover. Keep one eye on the blog in 2014!
Got questions? Nikki does live coaching shows every Wednesday at 1pm EST and 3pm EST, and Thursdays at 1pm EST. You can find her here: Or, tweet her @Nikki_Night.
Photo from Camgirl’s Corner.