Home » Performer Help » Add a Halloween Costume to Your Amazon Wishlist

Add a Halloween Costume to Your Amazon Wishlist

My @Cam4 Twitter pals know I’ve been in the Halloween mood for a couple weeks now, so it’s nice to see our models are also on board!

Many of you amazingly helpful survey respondents requested more tips, tricks, and cool ideas on how to spice up your Cam4 page. Well, this tweet caught my eye:

cam4 chat room

Wait, what? Costumes, pictures, private shows, woah.

So, I hope you’ve got your Amazon Wishlist linked to your Cam4 account. This allows viewers & fans to spoil you with gifts.

Here’s an easy step by step guide to help you set it up.


So the first person to buy Serenity420 this costume, wins pretty fucking big. Which, who wouldn’t want to buy a hot camgirl a catwoman costume?

Check out Serenity420’s Cam4 chat room

This is a great way to get your viewers involved in your shows, get yourself a hot costume for our upcoming Freaky Halloween event, and have some fun!

You can ask for a mask, a full costume, some props, or whatever else gets you in the Halloween mood. As always on Cam4, giving and getting are often the same thing. Giving a costume is getting a sexy show, a happy camgirl, and a prize. You can promote this to viewers through your chat and your bio, or get extra fancy and make an image!

Set up your costume contest now, meow!
