CAM4 Submissive: Fetishguy77

I am a 31 year old CAM4 submissive from Greece known as fetishguy77. When people see me on CAM4 I hope that I make them horny. I do not care if the people watching are woman, men, or transsexuals, all are welcome. I must say that I am a little shy but always ready to satisfy!!! My fetish is to expose my naked body to strangers.
What do you sleep in?
Sometimes I sleep in underwear and sometimes naked. Sleeping naked is the best with my ass exposed.
How often do you jack off?
I jack off everyday either in bed or when I am in the shower.
Have you ever been in love?
I am in love right now!!! I am always in love!!!
Why did you decide to start camming?
I decided to cam since I like to show off for people. I also enjoy talking, meeting, and playing with different people. It turns me on as they watch me play with myself.
What do you get asked to do on cam the most?
My ass is very popular!! Everybody want to see my ass!!!!
When dating do you tell people about you camming?
No I do not tell people that I cam. I am a little afraid so I keep this as a secret. My friends nor my girlfriend know. The only people who know are the people of CAM4.
When having sex what is your favorite thing to do?
My biggest fantasy is that I want to be fucked by a small group and have them all cum in me. I am a sub so this would be total submission.