
Published 30/04/2014

As most of you guys and gals will know we have a really great coach on the team who is here to help you all make the most of Cam4. The aim is for you all to have fun, deliver great shows and of course make some decent money.

Our fantastic coach will be contacting you from time to time just to check in and see how you’re getting on. She’ll offer lots of really useful advice on how to promote yourselves and start getting more fans and followers. Do you have a Facebook page and Twitter account and are you making the most of them? Do you have some super sexy shots that you can share with us so we can promote you as well?

She’ll also be letting you know about some of the latest features on Cam4 and how they can help you – automated tweets linking to your shows for example. As most of you will probably know we have a really active Twitter community so your coach will give you some tips on how to interact more with your fans and get a good relationship going with the people who follow you. It’s all about showing the love!

When it comes to your shows do you find yourselves doing the same kind of show over and over again? If so then coach can help you get your creative juices flowing and come up with some ideas for how you can mix things up a bit and make sure your viewers are getting the best ‘view’ possible.

And finally you’ll get lots of useful information on the more technical aspects of your show – how to deal with slow internet connection, for example, or make sure your room is really well lit so that you look fantastic.

The image shows how your coach will appear in your chat room – so keep your eyes peeled for the Cam4_UK coach and have fun at school!

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