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More Horny Stuff From the Kama Sutra

As promised here are more sex tips from the world’s oldest dirty book.

The Kama Sutra also suggests a foreplay kissing game. “With regards kissing, a wager may be laid as to which will get hold of the lips of the other first. If the woman loses, she should pretend to cry, should keep her lover off by shaking her hands, and turn away from him and dispute with him saying, ‘let another wager be laid’. If she loses this a second time, she should appear doubly distressed, and when her lover is off his guard or asleep, she should get hold of his lower lip, and hold it in her teeth, so that it should not slip away, and then she should laugh, make a loud noise, deride him, dance about, and say whatever she likes in a joking way, moving her eyebrows and rolling her eyes.” This apparently leads to intense passion.


When one of them takes both the lips of the other between his or her own, it is called ‘a clasping kiss’. A woman, however, only takes this kind of kiss from a man who has no moustache.

When a woman looks at the face of her lover while he is asleep and kisses it to show her intention or desire, it is called a ‘kiss that kindles love’..

When a lover coming home late at night kisses his beloved, who is asleep on her bed, in order to show her his desire, it is called a ‘kiss that awakens’. On such an occasion the woman may pretend to be asleep at the time of her lover’s arrival, so that she may know his intention and obtain respect from him.

To increase passion the nails may be pressed into the following anatomical spots: the arm pit, the throat, the breasts, the lips, the jaghana, or middle parts of the body, and the thighs. The qualities of good nails are that they should be bright, well-set, clean, entire, convex, soft, and glossy in appearance.

When a curved mark is made on the breast by means of the five nails, it is called a ‘peacock’s foot’.

When five marks with the nails are made close to one another near the nipple of the breast, it is called ‘the jump of a hare’.

A mark made on the breast or on the hips in the form of a leaf of the blue lotus is called the ‘leaf of a blue lotus’. WE call it a HICKEY!

In short, nothing tends to increase love so much as the effects of marking with the nails, and biting!


Happy Endings

Comments (3)

  1. aegeanman says:

    hi very hot now………..for u.
