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Cam Whores

First off, I would like it to be known that I love cam whores. I’m also pretty sure that if you are reading this that you also love cam whores or are a cam whore. That’s why yesterday I was pleased to see that Wikipedia had an entry for Cam Whore. Imagine that, cam whoring going mainstream. Yee haw. Maybe Rob Schneider will do a movie.

Cam Whores

Wikipedia defines a cam whore as:

1) A cam whore (sometimes cam-whore, camwhore or cam-slut) is an individual who performs sexual services on the Internet with webcam software in exchange for money or goods


2) The term “cam whore” is also used to refer to individuals who post pictures or videos of themselves on the Internet to gain attention.

Basically they are saying if you broadcast on Cam4, you are a cam whore. Unless of course you are not making money or getting attention, like me when I broadcast. Then they just call you a disgusting old man.

There are also entries for cam whore in the Urban Dictionary. Am I the only one that thinks the UD was written by angry teenage boys?

And Encyclopedia Dramatica also has an article on cam whores. Like the UD, ED is also written by angry teenage boys but the ones with a sense of humor and computer skills. If you haven’t read ED, you should check it out. It’s totally offensive and funny. You might start with the entry for Sweet Eva. Sweet Eva was “THE” star on Cam4 back in the day. Sweeteva we miss you!


So it’s official, we cam whores have come a long way. One day a cam whore will be President! Actually you know, I saw Obama on Cam4 the other day and he was definitely cam whoring

obama cam4

Happy Endings

Comments (3)

  1. turksh_man says:

    i looking gril mehmet32turkey@hotmail.com

  2. jj bonde says:

    it just gets better with you guys https://tweetmeme.com/story/756448978/cam-whore-wikipedia-the-free-encyclopedia

  3. someone says:

    Happy lamp, we miss you
