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Are (girl)friends electric?

Well we’ve come a long way since sticking your dick in the vacuum cleaner. Even the pocket pussy is, by today’s standards, a quaint novelty.

When the Real Doll emerged in 1996, manufactured by Abyss Creation in the US, it came as a great shock and an even greater thrill and really seemed to usher us into an era where the sex android was becoming possible. With their realistic silicone skin, actual hair, multiple fully functional orifices, and actual articulated skeletons allowing for anatomically correct positioning, etc, and a wide range of optional attribute, the Real Doll offered new hope that the lonely, socially-awkward and those unsatisfied with human interactions could have functional fulfilling physical relationships, at least with objects. Whether it was to be Rachel, the sophisticated professional or Pris, your basic pleasure model, was just a matter of taste. And $ 5,499 USD.

Real Doll

Real Doll Experiences

In 2007 Le Trung unveiled Aiko, a gynoid (the female counterpart of android) capable of engaging in basic conversation but also with physical sensors able to respond to physical stimuli “Aiko has sensitivity sensors on her face and body, including her breasts and even down there. Aiko can tell the difference between being touched gently and being tickled. The B.R.A.I.N.S. software and Aiko can be re-designed to simulate her having an “O….”.


Fembot Aiko getting poked

Most recently, Michael Harriman – FirstAndroids.org, an aircraft mechanic from Nuremberg, claims to have created world’s most sophisticated robot sex doll. “They are almost impossible to distinguish from the real thing, but I am still developing improvements and I will only be happy when what I have is better than the real thing.”

Beneath Andy’s high tech silicon skin, developed for use in medical surgery, is an electronic heart that beats faster during sex, when she also breathes harder and has an internal heater to raise the body temperature, the feet however, stay cold “just like in real life”, according to Harriman.

Heart Beeps

Andy goes for about £4,000 for the basic model, with the option of extras ranging from big boobs to, one would anticipate, multiple vags or some Chapman Bros-esque Siamese combos, the possibilities are only limited by your imagination and your bank account.

I have only one question, can she do the dishes?

Cleopatra West

Comments (3)

  1. Hispanico says:

    First of all, WELCOME CLEOPATRA!
    second…from vacuum cleaner ( LOL ) to “Aiko” and “first androids”…”that’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” but I hope they will just make the dishes in the future to let girls and boys have more time to enjoy ;-) and dishwasher machines are cheaper…even if…let me think, ok, no…you are right, I would pay anything to have at home D. Hannah/Pris, let me send a mail to Michael Harriman to check the prices and I’ll throw my beloved vacuum cleaner !

  2. itsme says:

    hey cleo, tits or gtfo

  3. Fujifabric says:

    Gynoids, dolls, and Andy Kaufman?

    It’s like you wrote this post just for me.
