Secret CAM4 Model – Environment and Technical

Hello again my fellow cam4 enthusiasts, your favorite secret model is here. Today we’re going to talk about environment and “technical” stuff.
Be mindful of your environment…
Try to create a happy and welcoming environment for your fans. Having dirty cloths lying about, or garbage spread everywhere, or pictures of mom and dad behind you while you are showing off your goodies can be bit distracting. The only thing you want your fans to focus on is you! So try to keep it clean and free of distractions. At the same time though, you don’t want your environment to be boring, so get creative, but make sure that the focus stays on you. For an example, do one of your shows in the kitchen while cooking a meal in a sexy pair panties and a bra, (tighty whities if you are a male model ;) ) or a tight white t-shirt that’s gets “accidently” wet while you are washing the dishes ; or in a bath tub with lots of bubbles and a vibrating rubber ducky. I have seen some models do their show with a mirror behind them so their fans can see all parts of their body no matter what direction they turn. Having a sexy and appealing environment can help you stick out among the rest and get you noticed by those high end tippers.
Have the right equipment
When I say “Equipment” I mean a good laptop or PC and a good HD webcam. Now you don’t have to go out and spend a ton of money on some high end PC, but you do want one that has decent memory and RAM. Having good hard drive space and RAM means better quality streaming video. As far as a webcam, you want to get a good high definition webcam. Again, there are many great HD webcams out there at a fairly decent price. The one I use is the Logitech c920, it’s between $59 and $99 depending on where you go to buy it. When looking for an HD cam, try to find one that goes up to 1080p.
Well that’s all I had for today. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read these articles of mine and I hope you find them helpful and informative.
Sinfully yours,
You favorite dirty little secret model ;-)