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New Year New You: Camgirl Reflections

New Year New You: Camgirl Reflections

Another year gone and another year wiser. There are so many new sex tips and tricks I’ve learned in 2014 that I wish I could have taken advantage of before. If only I tried sex in front of a mirror, or that time in the window, how risque but so much fun! The now me would advise the past me to be more daring and put it out there. But you know what they say, new year new you.  If you could go back to the past what would you tell your pre-camgirl self? Camgirls from Stripper Web online forum share their stories of what they gained from camming that they didn’t have before. Here’s what they would say:

Love your body more
“Before I started camming: I didn’t like my body as much as I do now. Since I’ve started I swear my boobs are perkier and look better than they did before.”

Realize your self worth
“No attention seeking behavior. I don’t show my titties in the club, people PAY for that!”

Be assertive and confident
“Pre-sexwork I was super social. Too social. Indiscriminately social. I was overly socialized in how to be “nice” and I hated it. Think my body is attractive? Sure Ill let you make comments that make me uncomfortable but Ill just laugh nervously until it is over. Sex work undid society’s collective fawning over men… and I am so grateful for it. ”

“Now if an annoying guy tries to follow me around, I have no problem telling him to get the f*ck away from me. I wish more women would realize that no, you are NOT required to give an excuse or nicely turn a guy down if he is harassing you.”

Love your fellow woman
“I used to feel jealous of other women on tv. Now, I feel more a sense of camaraderie and understanding with other women. We should be working with each other not against each other.”

“I’m no longer jealous or like mean to other girls (I could be catty at times before). Now when my friends are all like “look at that slut” or something, I do NOT join in!”

“stop being so judgmental of other women being “sluts.”

Value your time
“I used to not value my time at all but now I am much more choosy with how I spend it because I could be in front of my cam making the much needed money.”

What advice would you give your past self? Leave a comment!

New year new you… on CAM4! Explore today.
