The Freak Show Carnival Cums to CAM4 on May 25th

Does Freak7_7Show have cabin fever? If you saw their couch fort on Battlecams, you’d know they make the best of colder weather ;) But it’s sun’s out buns out season and they’ve got deliciously freaky plans lined up for us.
On May 25th join Freak and Master for the celebration of their 4 year camniversary with CAM4. Naturally, they’ll be hosting their first freak show themed show complete with carnival games like Plinko, Duck Pond, Ring Toss, three Cup Shuffle, and Squirt in a Cup.
At 3pm EST the carnival opens up for Gold Members with a private preview of the kinky freak show romance between a master and his freak. To watch this Gold Show you’ll need to become a Gold Member.
After the Gold Show, everyone is invited to the carnival at 5pm EST! This is where you can play carnival games and watch the freak show magic. Check the bottom of this post to see how to get your seat at the best freak show of 2016.
How to Play Carnival Games: send Admit One tickets (25 or 50 tokens each) during the carnival show.
Afterwards, everyone is invited to watch them pull off a marathon show. Prepare yourself with lube and a big glass of water!
And last but definitely not least, the Freak Show is coming to Miami for Cam Con from May 31st to June 3rd! You can meet them in the flesh on June 2nd for fan day. Watch the CAM4 blog for more details on our Cam Con week.
You’ve got plenty of time to check out Freak Show’s freshly updated CAM4 profile with new pricing, their highest tip members, who they’re watching, and a way to be one of the audience members or part of the freak show on our profile.
The past four years have held some pretty freaky memories, here’s a highlight reel of Freak7_7Show pics from smoking to studded bras, and of course a pantsless loving photo of Freak and Master ?
Don’t miss out on this Freak Show carnival!
Follow @freak77show on Twitter to receive all of their freaky updates!
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