Get your juices pumping – New Gush 2 from Lovense – in CAM4 Swag Store Now!

CAM4 announces the hottest new toy, Gush 2 from Lovense, allowing you to connect with your fans and viewers during your shows. Now available on our Swag Store…. This latest toy from one of the leading sex toy manufacturers features a visually updated design with a sleek, modern feel, providing a great overall experience that can boost your content offering.
Audience interaction is a great way to enhance your live shows, and what better way to do it than with the hot new Gush 2. This toy is the perfect way to show your audiences what you have to offer. With enhanced battery life, you can let your audience control the show, creating an explosion of entertainment that will leave them coming back for more!


Gush 2, with its powerful oscillation, is the perfect partner for your CAM4 show
⭐ Use the Gush 2 and push the boundaries of your live show ⭐
Here are some of the key features that make this the perfect toy option for you:
✓ Audience Interaction – Link the toy to your audience tips so you both get a thrill!
✓ unlimited Vibration Patterns – Giving audiences greater control over the pleasure you receive
✓ Local Control – Can be controlled close-range, long-range, and can also be sound activated
Remember: While your audience enjoys the thrill of an exciting live show, you get to enjoy the erotic pleasure that comes from a flexible, comfortable toy with a great coverage area that allows for more sensation. So together, it’s a win-win all round!
Great quality product from a leading brand!
Lovense is the leading consumer technology company in the sexual wellness industry, making them the ideal brand partner for our wonderful content creators. The Gush 2 is the perfect accompaniment to use during your live shows, and you can get your hands on one right now from our Swag Store, where you will find a variety of branded merch, as well as all the best toys from our co-partners.
And remember, demand will be high… So get in quick to avoid disappointment!


Check out the CAM4 Swag Store!
If you’re looking for fun ways to enhance your shows, why not check out the CAM4 Store for all the very best Swag in town!
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